Australian Dreaming
Thursday, June 13, 2002
First thoughts

Here I sit, watching the stock prices wondering when the next crash will come. The last market crash was in 87 so is another due? But then again let us not dwell on what might happen and try and live in the present.

Sometimes I think morality has walked out the door - it's all about profits nowadays (as no doubt it has always been) and short term fixes to improve the bottom line ie. retrenchments. Which leaves me wondering if companies have a "duty of care" not only to employees but to communities. Small towns suffer as more and more banks close their doors and impersonal service abounds. One almost feels guilty walking into a bank nowadays. Is this progress? What future are we creating when profits become the be-all and end-all? I wonder how history will view us in a couple of hundred years?

History is amazing isn't it - it portrays the rise and fall of civilisations. Will this happen to us? We will outgrow ourselves like the Egyptians, the Persians and the Romans. We will fall as they did and if we fall what comes next? What will rise from the ashes or are we too technologically advanced for it to happen again? Will technology protect us or eventually destroy us?

The future holds such wonders and such disasters yet somehow I truly believe we will survive and make those strides into space to Mars and beyond. Somewhere, someone at this very moment could be creating the technology to help us achieve the ultimate, to move through space with ease and travel at the speed of light. It will be done. Can you imagine yourself being born in such a generation, at such a time? Would I join the ship and emigrate as I did before leaving Britain for Australia? Would I move far from earth to another planet if I was given the opportunity to start a new life? Yes, I would - I would take up the challenge and grab those stars but my heart would always be with my home planet as it is with Britain. Oh how I envy those space walkers of today. To be able to view this planet from the heavens - to see and appreciate its beauty from space ...

So I sit and ponder and dream watching this world slowly turn and plod its way forward knowing what an uncomfortable gait it currently has. Nuclear war threatened in India and Pakistan, the bloodshed growing in Israel and Palestine and continued rumblings on the "War on Terrorism" and of course the great famine which is eventuating in Africa. I pray to God each night asking him to find solutions to these ongoing problems to help those to make wise decisions, to save those that are dying. My voice no doubt one little prayer in an enormous amount of voices.

Does he hear me? Does he feel my pain? See my tears? Am I as He is? Much a part of Him as He is of me? Strangely, I believe He is and hears and sometimes I feel His pain and His presence. Where, I ask myself, does this spirituality come from? I have no idea but it is a part of me and I have a deep belief in God. Yet I am not a Godly person. I'm not affiliated with any Church or group yet within me is something that I can't describe, something so special that it's truly indescribable and so very, very personal. Do others have it? Yes, I'm sure they do but perhaps each of us view what we have in a different ways, perhaps some ignore it, some abuse it, some work with it and just live with it and practice it. Is it a window into our Souls? I don't know, yet sometimes I feel I'm that close to something I truly don't understand. Then again, perhaps all will be revealed as I continue down my path that I am sure has many hurdles and bumps ...

In the midst of these thoughts the Queen’s Jubilee comes to mind. The televised pictures of one million people in the Mall singing "Hey Jude" and waving flags and cheering the Queen will always remain with me. I felt proud and awed and grateful that Britain has come to terms with its Monarchy and I'm sure the Queen herself felt awed and grateful for the shown support and love. Long live the Queen.

What history in the making and what a wonderful four days of celebrations. A beacon of light in an ever encroaching darkness. I felt proud to be British even though I watched it from 'Downunder'.

The celebrations passed Australia by - but then again we are a Nation struggling to stand on its own, continually growing and pulling away from the Mother's strings. Soon, no doubt those strings will snap. Let us hope we do not turn from our British heritage as we have turned from Australia's Aboriginal heritage. We should rejoice not only in our multiculturalism but appreciate and work with the true owners and carers of this land – the Aborigines. We can never turn from who and what we are nor where we sprang from but we should work and accept the spirituality of the land and its stories and its true owners. Between us, the old and the new, we can sing out the songlines and make pathways into the future to bind all of us together. A dream … but may be we can dream of a new future and create a Dreamtime that encompasses us all, not only Australia but the world in general!

Now I'm sounding mystical ... but may be we need more dreams to envision the future ...

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